Bible Studies​
Daily Bible Verses
7-12th Grade
Read daily portions of Scripture and short reflections on how we can learn from it today.
Student Devotionals
7-12th Grade
Read daily devotionals that focus on the events happening today and
what we can learn from Scripture.
Youth Group Lessons from MinistryToYouth.com
7-12th Grade
Access youth group lessons that include discussion questions and
activities for students to do with their family or online.
Bible Studies
7-12th Grade
Access a web series for youth who want to dig deeper into issues of faith
and spirituality.
Ten minute Bible talks devotional bible study
https://open.spotify.com/show/5XT5lbnmEzXOj6Bcsb2Ivk? si=6DqcgMmnTpO00sOqmd8TWA
7-12th Grade
A podcast on Spotify that goes through a bible verse everyday and reflections on how to apply it
in your life.